Tieh (Daisy) Chu
email: tiehchu2@illinois.edu     phone: +1(217)979-8969

| LinkedIn |

I interned at NVIDIA this summer as a performance software engineering intern while pursuing a Master's in Computer Science at UIUC.

Previously, I worked as a C++ backend engineer at Intouch Games. I succeeded in handling game-related issues independently and had contributed to over two dozen slot games in eight months.

Before this role, I was a Computer Science undergraduate student at National Chiao Tung University. During my collegiate experience, I was lucky to have the opportunity to work with Prof. Wen-Hsiao Peng as a research student. Additionally, I was a software engineer intern at Logitech in my senior year.

The above experiences made me determine to pursue a software engineering career. Hence, I’m looking for an opportunity where I can put my abilities to work for a mission I’m passionate about.


Aug. 21 - Dec. 22


Software Intern
May. 22 - Aug. 22


Intouch Games
C++ Backend Engineer
Sep. 20 - May. 21


Software Intern
Mar. 20 - Jun. 20


Research Student
Apr. 19 - Feb. 20

  • [05/2022] Start my internship at NVIDIA TensorRT team!
  • [08/2021] Start my graduate study at UIUC MCS.
  • [09/2020] Start my job at Intouch Games Ltd..
  • [03/2020] Start my internship at Logitech MBG PQA team.
  • [01/2020] One paper accepted at ISCAS'20.
  • [04/2019] Start working as a research student at NCTU advised by Prof. Wen-Hsiao Peng.
  • [09/2017] Start participating in the UI/UX department at NCTU+.

Semantic Segmentation on Compressed Video Using Block Motion Compensation and Guided Inpainting
Stefanie Tanujaya, Tieh Chu, Jia-Hao Liu, Wen-Hsiao Peng
ISCAS 2020 (Oral Presentation)

| abstract | video | pdf |

                title     = {Radiotherapy Target Contouring with Convolutional Gated Graph Neural
                author    = {Chao, Chun-Hung and Cheng, Yen-Chi and Cheng, Hsien-Tzu and Huang, Chi-Wen and
                             Ho, Tsung-Ying and Tseng, Chen-Kan
                            Lu, Le and Sun, Min},
                journal   = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.02912},
                year      = {2019},

Heart Rate Monitor
A heart rate monitor using NodeMCU that can detect and monitor heart rate in real-time and show results on the dashboard.
| dashboard demo video | pdf |


Contextual Attention Inpainting Network with Non-local Blocks
Combined contextual attention module and non-local blocks to address image semantic segmentation problem.
| pdf |


League of Legends -- The Consistency between Emotion Management and Rank
Collected data and employed 4 machine learning models to explore relationships between players' emotion management and their performances in League of Legends
| video |


UAV Autopilot-- Face Detection and Obstacle Avoidance
Designed a system for drones that can utilize computer vision to perform autonomous navigation and landing from one point to another while avoiding human faces on a track.
| demo video (only includes marker detection) |

  Honor and Awards
  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Outstanding Graduate Awards, UIUC
  • SS Radhakrishnan Scholarship, UIUC
  • Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society Member, UIUC
  • IEEE Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society Member, Taiwan
  • 1st Place, Taiwan Intelligent Transportation Creative Idea Competition (ITCIC)
  • Yang Li Lau Tai Scholarship
  • Teacher Association Scholarship, New Taipei City Educational Association
  • Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, NCTU
  • Rotary Club of Yung Ho Fellowship
  • Outstanding Academic Achievement Award in Digital Circuit Design, NCTU

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